1st November 2020
Walworth Gate
1st November 2020.
A trip to Walworth Gate tends to lead to ice cream before going home. Thankfully the delights of Archers Exquisite Jersey Ice Cream parlour were on offer so despite the extremely cold wind, Black Cherry and Strawberry were consumed. Maybe it was a reward for being good or just a way to ‘warm-up’ after chasing around after hounds and the field who covered five lines over country around Walworth Gate, Denton and Ulnaby.
So yes, that wind – 30MPH plus winds yet a nice sunny day for the most part. Steve, ably assisted by Ken, Maisie and Ben lead the field whilst the Hounds chased after Ollie (the Quarry – it rhymes but I’m no poet – I’ll try and stick to the photos) and Josh.